Learning and Delivery Methods

New Horizons offers a variety of learning methods to suit your schedule and preferred learning style. Whether you are looking to learn a little over lunch, add a new certification to your resume, or develop a comprehensive training plan for your entire team - we have a solution to fit your needs.


Virtual Instructor Led Training

Receive training from live instructors from anywhere in the world. Our virtual training includes live lectures, demonstrations and virtual labs, as a traditional classroom training, all while gaining flexibility. It's easy to use. All you need is access to the internet and you are ready to learn!

  • Participate in discussions via live video and audio feeds
  • Perform virtual labs for hands-on experience
  • View documents and presentations in real time
  • Access class recordings
  • Attend virtual rooms to facilitate team activities
  • Participate in discussions with your instructor and fellow students

Find Training

Private Group Training

Private Group Training

Private team training helps build teams, as well as the potential for success. When you train your team all at once, it unifies their learning experience, ensuring everyone gets the same skills and knowledge. We will develop a customized and focused program to fit your unique training and business objectives on the schedule that is convenient for you.

  • Unify your learning experience with your team members
  • Accelerate project success by training all project stakeholders at once
  • Customize your private group training session to suit your business needs
  • Flexible scheduling to maintain productivity

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Custom Training

Custom Training Solutions

Our team of experts can create custom e-learning, instructor led courses, facilitation guides, custom courseware, mobile learning, gamification, quick references guides and more. All specific to your organization. Tackling a big project?

We can even help you bulk up your team with experts like these:

  • Instructional Designers
  • LMS Experts
  • eLearning Developers
  • Training Project Managers
  • Change Management Consultants

Learn More and Start Customizing

Educate 360 Pro

Short-Duration and On Demand Training

Our Educate 360 Pro subscription includes access to over 90 short duration classes and hundreds of on-demand course titles. Save time by learning only the specific tasks that you need to know and enjoy unlimited access to thousands of micro-learning videos.

Follow the link below for a free trial of Educate 360 Pro.

  • Most classes are only 60 minutes in length and delivered live
  • Utilize course assessments to validate your new skills
  • Stay engaged with subject matter experts that never leaves your screen
  • Track your progress with bookmarks and take notes

Learn More About Educate 360 Pro

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