Course Overview
This five-day course provides students with knowledge of how to automate Junos using DevOps automation tools, protocols, and technologies. Students receive hands-on experience with tools and languages relevant to automating the Junos OS platform in a DevOps environment. The course includes an introduction to Jinja2 templates and a detailed explanation of how Ansible, Salt, and JSNAPy automation tools are used with the Junos operating system (OS). The course introduces students to Junos commit, operation (op), event, and SNMP on-box scripts. Two languages for developing these scripts are discussed: SLAX and Python. The course also explains YANG, OpenConfig, Juniper Extension Toolkit (JET), and related APIs. Finally, the course discusses the use of Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI). Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in automating Junos OS and device operations. This course uses Junos OS Release 21.3R1, Ansible 2.11, Salt 3004, and JSNAPy 1.3.6.