55301 Mastering Microsoft Project 2019

$1,895.00 USD

3 Days


Delivery Methods
Virtual Instructor Led
Private Group

Course Overview

This three-day instructor-led course is intended for individuals who are interested in expanding their knowledge base and technical skills about Microsoft Project. The course begins with the basic concepts and leads students through all the functions they’ll need to plan and manage a small to medium-size project, including how to level resources and capture both cost and schedule progress.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the discipline of project management as it applies to using Microsoft Project 2019.
  • Create a Work Breakdown Structure.
  • Identify Task Types & Relationships.
  • Define Resources within Project.
  • Make Work Package Estimates.
  • Create an Initial Schedule.
  • Create a Resource Leveled Schedule.
  • Create Projects from templates, Excel files.
  • Create Global templates.
  • Create formulas and graphical indicators.
  • The steps to record a macro.
  • Format Output and Print Reports.
  • Integrate Multiple Projects.
  • Set up a Project with a Calendar, Start date, and scheduling method.
  • Understand Manually Schedule vs. Auto Schedule.
  • Manage multiple projects.
  • Be able to create a master project list with shared resources.

Who Should Attend?

This course is intended for both novice and experienced project managers, managers, schedulers, and other project stake holders who need to incorporate the discipline of project management with Microsoft Project 2019.
  • Top-rated instructors: Our crew of subject matter experts have an average instructor rating of 4.8 out of 5 across thousands of reviews.
  • Authorized content: We maintain more than 35 Authorized Training Partnerships with the top players in tech, ensuring your course materials contain the most relevant and up-to date information.
  • Interactive classroom participation: Our virtual training includes live lectures, demonstrations and virtual labs that allow you to participate in discussions with your instructor and fellow classmates to get real-time feedback.
  • Post Class Resources: Review your class content, catch up on any material you may have missed or perfect your new skills with access to resources after your course is complete.
  • Private Group Training: Let our world-class instructors deliver exclusive training courses just for your employees. Our private group training is designed to promote your team’s shared growth and skill development.
  • Tailored Training Solutions: Our subject matter experts can customize the class to specifically address the unique goals of your team.

Learning Credits: Learning Credits can be purchased well in advance of your training date to avoid having to commit to specific courses or dates. Learning Credits allow you to secure your training budget for an entire year while eliminating the administrative headache of paying for individual classes. They can also be redeemed for a full year from the date of purchase. If you have previously purchased a Learning Credit agreement with New Horizons, you may use a portion of your agreement to pay for this class.

If you have questions about Learning Credits, please contact your Account Manager.

Corporate Tech Pass: Our Corporate Tech Pass includes unlimited attendance for a single person, in the following Virtual Instructor Led course types: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Technical, CompTIA, Project Management, SharePoint, ITIL, Certified Ethical Hacker, Certified Hacking Forensics Investigator, Java, Professional Development Courses and more. The full list of eligible course titles can be found at https://www.newhorizons.com/eligible.

If you have questions about our Corporate Tech Pass, please contact your Account Manager.

Course Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for the MS-55301 Mastering Microsoft Project 2019 course. However, it may be helpful to have taken an introductory project management course before taking this course


1 - Introduction to Microsoft Project

  • Describe how Project relates to the discipline of Project management.
  • Learn what the new features are in Project 2019.
  • Navigate to the primary views available using the Ribbon.
  • Choose Views that display task, resource, or assignment information.
  • Select table within views to change the information that is available to see and edit.
  • Relate the features of Project to the 5 steps for building a plan in Project.
  • Learn new accessibility features in Project

2 - A Quick and Easy Overview of Managing with Project

  • Create a new project and prepare it for data entry.
  • Enter project tasks.
  • Sequence the tasks.
  • Define resources.
  • Estimate Task duration and assign resources.
  • Baseline the project.
  • Track project progress.

3 - Setting Up a Project

  • Use multiple methods to create a new project from an Excel file and a SharePoint Tasks list.
  • Establish one or more calendars to constrain resource availability.
  • Configure Project to calculate the schedule from the Start Date forward, or from the Finish Date backward.

4 - Manually Schedule vs. Auto Schedule

  • Students practice switching tasks between Manually Schedule and Auto Schedule modes. By switching modes, students learn the impact made on the project schedule and the individual tasks.

5 - Creating a Work Breakdown Structure

  • Build and use summary and subordinate tasks.
  • Understand and use milestones.
  • Develop WBS Outlines.
  • Assign completion criteria.
  • Evaluate the WBS.
  • Understand and use WBS templates.

6 - Identifying Task Relationships

  • Understand the different types of task relationships.
  • Understand and use various methods to create relationships.
  • Determine and display task sequence.
  • Understand and use lag, lead, and delay.
  • Understand the new feature of Task Paths.

7 - Defining Resources within Project

  • Define resource types.
  • Define individual resources that will be used on the project.
  • Record the cost (s) of using each type of resource.
  • Record the limit of availability for each type of resource by establishing a resource calendar and defining the maximum units of that resource.

8 - Making Work Package Estimates

  • Enter estimates for duration and costs for each task.
  • Distinguish between task types and describe when each is appropriate.
  • Describe the relationship between work, units, and duration.
  • Describe the way Effort Driven scheduling is affected by work, units, and duration.
  • Assign tasks to resources using the Team Planner view.

9 - Creating an Initial Schedule

  • Calculate float and identify a project’s critical path.
  • Understand and identify task constraints.
  • Create milestones.
  • Use the Task Inspector to troubleshoot the initial schedule.

10 - Create a Resource Leveled Schedule

  • Adjust a project schedule to account for limited people and other resources.
  • View the overall cost and schedule of a project.
  • Identify resources that have been overallocated for a project schedule.
  • Use multiple ways to adjust tasks and assignments to remove over allocation for any resource.

11 - Managing the Project

  • Learn how to set a baseline.
  • Lean how to enter and track project performance data.
  • Learn how to apply different tracking methods.
  • Learn how to perform a variance analysis on a project.
  • Learn how to Reschedule Work
  • Learn how to inactivate tasks
  • Learn how to synch projects to SharePoint

12 - Formatting Output and Printing Reports

  • Print
  • Views
  • Formats
  • Sorting
  • Filtering
  • Grouping
  • Custom Fields
  • Reporting
  • Other File Formats

13 - Managing Multiple Projects

  • Learn how to use common resources among multiple projects.
  • Learn how to link tasks between multiple projects.
  • Learn how to create a consolidated view of multiple projects.

14 - Advanced Topics

  • Learn how to customize the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • Learn how to customize WBS numbering.
  • Learn the concepts of Formulas and Graphical indicators.
  • Learn the purpose of the Global template and Organizer.
  • Learn how to record a Macro.

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