Course Overview
This five-day, hands-on training provides you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve competence in deploying and managing VMware Horizon® Cloud Service™ on Microsoft Azure. This training increases your skills and competence in using the VMware Horizon® Cloud Administration Console and Microsoft Azure portal.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
• Describe the architecture of Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
• Discuss Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure networking concepts
• Discuss Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure AD requirements and integration best practices
• Determine the steps and requirements to deploy or upgrade Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
• Apply concepts relevant to primary VMs and a Windows 10 Enterprise multisession.
• Discuss and create Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH) Farms
• Create VDI desktop assignments and entitlements
• Manage assignable images on Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
• Describe the integration of VMware Dynamic Environment Manager with Horizon Cloud Service on
Microsoft Azure
• Explain how App Volumes works with Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
• Discuss the integration of VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ with Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft
• Interpret scalability considerations for Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure.
• Apply troubleshooting techniques relevant to Horizon Cloud Service and Microsoft Azure.
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- Authorized content: We maintain more than 35 Authorized Training Partnerships with the top players in tech, ensuring your course materials contain the most relevant and up-to date information.
- Interactive classroom participation: Our virtual training includes live lectures, demonstrations and virtual labs that allow you to participate in discussions with your instructor and fellow classmates to get real-time feedback.
- Post Class Resources: Review your class content, catch up on any material you may have missed or perfect your new skills with access to resources after your course is complete.
- Private Group Training: Let our world-class instructors deliver exclusive training courses just for your employees. Our private group training is designed to promote your team’s shared growth and skill development.
- Tailored Training Solutions: Our subject matter experts can customize the class to specifically address the unique goals of your team.
1 - Course Introduction
- Introductions and course logistics
- Course objectives
2 - Introduction to Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- Identify Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure features, benefits, and licensing options.
- Interpret Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure architecture components to identify configuration prerequisites.
- Interpret Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure deployment models.
- Discuss concepts related to Virtual Machines in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure.
3 - Connectivity and Networking
- Summarize Horizon Cloud Service connectivity considerations and tasks.
- Discuss Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure networking concepts.
- Identify ports required for local connections, remote connections, and endpoint operating system firewall rules.
4 - Active Directory
- List the features and limitations of supported AD configurations.
- Discuss Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure AD integration best practices.
- Determine Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure AD requirements.
5 - Deployment and Upgrades
- Determine steps and requirements to deploy Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure.
- Discuss the features and benefits of using multiple tenant subnets for desktops and RDSH.
- Discuss the features and benefits of using Internal and External UAG.
- Discuss UAG Custom Deployment options in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure.
- Recognize Horizon Cloud Service console controls that are available for administrators.
- Identify Horizon Cloud Service upgrade features and benefits.
6 - Image Management
- List the steps and considerations to take when setting up a primary VM to be used as an assignable image.
- Explain Windows 10 Enterprise multisession for Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure.
7 - Remote Desktop Session Host Farms
- List the steps and considerations to take when creating an RDSH farm.
- List the actions that can be performed on farms listed on the console’s farms page.
- List the actions to assign an application to a user or group.
- List the prerequisites and steps to create an RDSH session assignment.
8 - VDI Desktops
- Compare a dedicated assignment to floating assignment.
- Outline steps to create a VDI desktop assignment.
- Explain the entitlement of desktops.
9 - Managing Assignable Images
- Manage assignable images
- Update agent and images
10 - VMware Dynamic Environment Manager
- Identify the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager functional areas and their benefits.
- Prepare infrastructure for VMware Dynamic Environment Manager.
- Outline the steps that are required to install and configure VMware Dynamic Environment Manager components.
- Manage user personalization and application configurations using the VMware Dynamic Environment.
- Manager management console and application profiler.
11 - App Volumes for Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- Explain how App Volumes works with Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure.
- Identify the features and benefits of App Volumes in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure.
- Identify the interface elements of App Volumes in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure.
- Install and configure App Volumes in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure.
12 - Workspace ONE Access
- Describe Workspace ONE and Workspace ONE Access.
- Identify the features and components.
- Integrate Horizon Cloud Service with Workspace ONE Access.
- Understand the Best Practices for using Workspace ONE Access.
13 - Scalability Considerations
- Define the Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure scalability options.
- Evaluate cost analysis and sizing considerations.
- Describe functions and features of Universal Broker.
- Identify limitations of Universal Broker.
- Configuring the Universal Broker with Horizon Cloud Service on Azure.
14 - Troubleshooting Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- Discuss Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure troubleshooting basics.
- Summarize the analytics and monitoring capabilities in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure.
- Discuss Horizon Cloud Service troubleshooting basics.