Course Objectives
By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
Describe the components and capabilities of VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard
Identify the architecture and data flows for Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard communication
Perform searches across endpoint data to discover suspicious behavior
Manage the Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard rules based on organizational requirements
Configure rules to address common threats
Evaluate the impact of rules on endpoints
Process and respond to alerts
Describe the different response capabilities available from VMware Carbon Black Cloud™
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1 - Course Introduction
- Introductions and course logistics
- Course objectives
2 - Planning and Installation
- Hardware and software requirements
- Architecture
- Data flows
- Server installation review
- Installing sensors
3 - Server Administration
- Configuration and settings
- Carbon Black EDR users and groups
4 - Process Search and Analysis
- Filtering options
- Creating searches
- Process analysis and even
5 - Binary Search and Banning Binaries
- Filtering options
- Creating searches
- Hash banning
6 - Search Best Practices
- Search operators
- Advanced queries
7 - Threat Intelligence
- Enabling alliance feeds
- Threat reports details
- Use and functionality
8 - Watchlists
- Creating watchlists
- Use and functionality
9 - Alerts/Investigations/Response
- Using the HUD
- Alerts workflow
- Using network isolation
- Using live response