Course Overview
A student in this class will learn about creating applications using both Mule 3 and Mule 4, deploying APIs, flows and connecters, Dataweave, API discoverability, manipulating and navigating Anypoint Studio, and more.
Course Objectives
Designing APIs
Building APIs
Test-Driven Development (Munit)
Consuming Web Services
Controlling Event Flow
Error Handling
Data Transformation (Dataweave)
Environment Properties
API Management and Auto-Discovery
Deploying APIs
Managing APIs
Deploying the Application Network
Batch Processing
Who Should Attend?
People with general technology experience and a general Understanding of Java
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- Interactive classroom participation: Our virtual training includes live lectures, demonstrations and virtual labs that allow you to participate in discussions with your instructor and fellow classmates to get real-time feedback.
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1 - Introduction
2 - Key Concepts
- APIs
- Application Networks
- API-led Connectivity
- C4E Team
- Data Products vs Data Projects
- Anypoint Platform Introduction
- API Management
- API Discoverability
3 - Designing APIs
- Designing Application Networks
- API Design with RAML
4 - Building APIs
- Building API Interfaces with the API Kit
- Mule Events
- Debugging
5 - Test-Driven Development (MUnit)
- MUnit Sub modules & MUnit Utils
- How to create tests & use processors
- How to Run tests
- View test results and Coverage Report
6 - Consuming Web Services
- Restful Web Services
- SOAP Web Services
- Metadata and Web Services
7 - Controlling Event Flow
- Choice Router
- Scatter Gather
- Validator
8 - Error Handling
- On Error Continue
- On Error Propagate
- Flow Level, Processor Level Exception Handling
- Error Propagation
- Mule Flows Success Response vs. Error Response
9 - Data Transformation (Dataweave)
- Basic Transformations using Metadata
- Complex Transformations of Arrays
- Map Operator
- Functions, Variable, Using
- Lookup Operator
- Organizing and Reusing Code
- DWL files
- Global Functions
- Operators
10 - Environment Properties
- Properties and YAML files
11 - API Management and Auto-Discovery
- Managing APIs using the API Manager
- Installing Auto Discovery
12 - Deploying APIs
- Deploying to the Cloud (Cloudhub)
- Deploying to a Customer-hosted Mule Runtime
- Deploying a Mule Domain
- Installing HTTPS
- Creating an API Proxy
13 - Managing APIs
- Security Policies
- SLAs
- Contracts
- Alerts
- Analytics
14 - Deploying the Application Network
- Deploying System APIs
- Deploying Process APIs
15 - Batch Processing
- For Each Scope
- Batch Scope
- Selective Batch Step Processing
- Batch Step Aggregation