Course Objectives
Understand the B-Series and C-Series product line similarities and differences
Describe the C-Series standalone and UCS managed architectures
Understand the process for upgrading B-Series and C-Series Firmware
Administering service profiles, pools, and policies
Understanding RBAC with Active Directory integration
Administering backup and restores in UCS Manager
Learn and discuss the various management tools for Cisco UCS
Perform basic troubleshooting of B-Series and C-Series in normal operations
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1 - UCS Infrastructure Components
- Lesson 1: Cisco UCS Servers and Components
- Lesson 2: Exploring Cisco UCS User Interfaces
- Lesson 3: Cisco UCS Management Framework and Features
2 - Administering Cisco C-Series Servers
- Lesson 1: Cisco UCS Servers and Components
- Lesson 2: Describing Cisco UCS C-Series Servers
- Lesson 3: Cisco UCS C-Series Integrated Management Controller
- Lesson 4: Provisioning Monitoring and Logging on the Cisco UCS C-Series Server
- Lesson 5: Provisioning Cisco UCS C-Series Server Integration in UCS Manager
- Lesson 6: Updating Cisco UCS C-Series Firmware with the Host Update Utility
- Lesson 7: UCS C-Series Standalone and UCS Managed Troubleshooting
3 - Administering Cisco B-Series Servers
- Lesson 1: Cisco UCS Servers and Components
- Lesson 2: RBAC, Organizations, and Active Directory Integration
- Lesson 3: Configuring Compute Node LAN Connectivity
- Lesson 4: Configuring Compute Node SAN Connectivity
- Lesson 5: Creating Identity and Resource Pools
- Lesson 6: Creating Service Profiles
- Lesson 7: Creating Templates and Cloning Service Profiles
- Lesson 8: Managing Service Profiles
- Lesson 9: Operating System Installation Options
- Lesson 10: Backing Up and Restoring UCSM Database
- Lesson 11: Upgrading UCS B-Series Firmware
- Lesson 12: Troubleshooting Cisco UCS B-Series Configuration
- Lesson 13: Troubleshooting Cisco UCS B-Series Operation
4 - UCS Management Tools
- Lesson 1: UCS Management Tool Overview
- Lesson 2: Integrating UCS Manager with UCS Central
- Lesson 3: Managing UCS Using the Cisco UCS PowerTool