Building Data Lakes on AWS

$695.00 USD

1 Day


Delivery Methods
Virtual Instructor Led
Private Group

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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn how to build an operational data lake that supports analysis of both structured and unstructured data. You will learn the components and functionality of the services involved in creating a data lake. You will use AWS Lake Formation to build a data lake, AWS Glue to build a data catalog, and Amazon Athena to analyze data. The course lectures and labs further your learning with the exploration of several common data lake architectures.

Course Objectives

  • Apply data lake methodologies in planning and designing a data lake
  • Articulate the components and services required for building an AWS data lake
  • Secure a data lake with appropriate permission
  • Ingest, store, and transform data in a data lake
  • Query, analyze, and visualize data within a data lake

Who Should Attend?

Data platform engineers Solutions Architects IT professionals
  • Top-rated instructors: Our crew of subject matter experts have an average instructor rating of 4.8 out of 5 across thousands of reviews.
  • Authorized content: We maintain more than 35 Authorized Training Partnerships with the top players in tech, ensuring your course materials contain the most relevant and up-to date information.
  • Interactive classroom participation: Our virtual training includes live lectures, demonstrations and virtual labs that allow you to participate in discussions with your instructor and fellow classmates to get real-time feedback.
  • Post Class Resources: Review your class content, catch up on any material you may have missed or perfect your new skills with access to resources after your course is complete.
  • Private Group Training: Let our world-class instructors deliver exclusive training courses just for your employees. Our private group training is designed to promote your team’s shared growth and skill development.
  • Tailored Training Solutions: Our subject matter experts can customize the class to specifically address the unique goals of your team.

Course Prerequisites

  • Working knowledge of core AWS services and public cloud implementation
  • One year of experience building data analytics pipelines or have completed the Data Analytics Fundamentals digital course
  • Attended one of Architecting on AWS, Developing on AWS, or Systems Operations on AWS


1 - Introduction to data lakes

  • Describe the value of data lakes
  • Compare data lakes and data warehouses
  • Describe the components of a data lake
  • Recognize common architectures built on data lakes

2 - Data ingestion, cataloging and preparation

  • Describe the relationship between data lake storage and data ingestion
  • Describe AWS Glue crawlers and how they are used to create a data catalog
  • Identify data formatting, partitioning, and compression for efficient storage and query
  • Lab 1: Set up a simple data lake

3 - Data processing and analytics

  • Recognize how data processing applies to a data lake
  • Use AWS Glue to process data within a data lake
  • Describe how to use Amazon Athena to analyze data in a data lake

4 - Building a data lake with AWS Lake Formation

  • Describe the features and benefits of AWS Lake Formation
  • Use AWS Lake Formation to create a data lake
  • Understand the AWS Lake Formation security model
  • Lab 2: Build a data lake using AWS Lake Formation

5 - Additional Lake Formation configurations

  • Automate AWS Lake Formation using blueprints and workflows
  • Apply security and access controls to AWS Lake Formation
  • Match records with AWS Lake Formation FindMatches
  • Visualize data with Amazon QuickSight
  • Lab 3: Automate data lake creation using AWS Lake Formation blueprints
  • Lab 4: Data visualization using Amazon QuickSight

6 - Architecture and course review

  • Post course knowledge check
  • Architecture review
  • Course review

Upcoming Class Dates and Times

Apr 28
6:30 AM - 2:30 PM
ENROLL $695.00 USD
Jun 30
6:30 AM - 2:30 PM
ENROLL $695.00 USD

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