Course Objectives
Implement the correct BGP configuration to allow your network to act as an ISP
Configure BGP with multiple BGP connections to other autonomous systems
Configure a provider network to behave as a transit autonomous system (AS)
Configure, monitor, and troubleshoot basic BGP to enable inter-domain routing in a network scenario with multiple domains
Use BGP policy controls to influence the route selection process with minimal impact on BGP route processing in a network scenario where you must support connections to multiple ISPs
Configure BGP to connect the customer network to the Internet when multiple connections must be implemented
Enable route reflection and confederations as possible solutions to BGP scaling issues
Optimize the scalability of the BGP routing protocol in a typical network
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1 - BGP Overview
- Session Establishment
- Path Attributes
- Route Processing
- Basic Configuration
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting
2 - BGP Transit Autonomous Systems
- Working with a Transit AS
- Interacting with IBGP and EBGP in a Transit AS
- Forwarding Packets in a Transit AS
- Configuring a Transit AS
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting IBGP in a Transit AS
3 - Route Selection Using Policy Controls
- Multihomed BGP Networks
- Employing AS Path Filters
- Filtering with Prefix Lists
- Outbound Route Filtering
- Applying Route Maps as BGP Filters
- Implementing Changes in BGP Policy
4 - Route Selection Using Attributes
- BGP Route Selection with Weights
- BGP Local Preference
- AS-Path Prepending
- BGP Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED)
- Addressing BGP Communities
5 - Customer-to-Provider Connectivity with BGP
- Customer-to-Provider Connectivity Requirements
- Implementing Customer Connectivity Using Static Routes
- Connecting a Multihomed Customer to Single or Multiple Service Providers
6 - Scaling Service Provider Networks
- Scaling IGP and BGP in Service Provider Networks
- Designing Networks and Route Reflectors
- Configuring and Monitoring Route Reflectors
- Configuring and Monitoring Confederations
7 - Optimizing BGP Scalability
- Improving BGP Convergence
- Limiting the Number of Prefixes Received from a BGP Neighbor
- Implementing BGP Peer Groups
- BGP Route Dampening